About Us
Orunsii Welcare Foundation is a not-for-profit organization made up of professionals, individuals and groups whose focus is to identify and support vulnerable individuals (especially children, adolescents, and the elderly) and communities on matters relating to societal, health and environmental challenges. In order to achieve its vision, “ORUNSII”, which implies “open heavens”, conducts activities and projects related to promoting and creating awareness on matters such as child abuse, mental health, drug abuse, foster care for children and the elderly. Other areas include the creation of a support system whereby indigent persons with health challenges could benefit from, such as medical outreaches. The environmental matters include advocacy, and educating communities on waste management and the benefits of cleanliness and aesthetics of the environment.
Following the covid 19 outbreak and worldwide pandemic, it was observed that another pandemic which had hitherto not been a major focus, came to the attention of the world. MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGES! There was an increase in the number of reported cases of mental health issues worldwide, and Lagos state was not left out. Depression, anxiety disorders, suicide and many other mental health challenges were the aftermath of the COVID 19 pandemic. Every other day, there was some sad story attributed to mental illness. With Mental health being one of the focal areas of Orunsii, the Foundation focused on community based mental health programs involving research work to identify the peculiarities of mental health knowledge, perception and treatment seeking behaviour in the most populous communities in Lagos State.

Our mission
Promoting Health Awareness Through Advocacy, Education, Training And Support.

Our vision
Inspiring Happiness And Stability In Health Conditions.

- Change in attitude and health seeking behaviors of people with Mental Health
- Challenges through awareness campaigns; social media; radio, television and community outreaches
- Reduce the stigma through education and advocacy.
- Improve the knowledge and understanding of Mental Health amongst students.
- Encourage healthy lifestyle among the elderly. * Provide financial support to 70% of children in need of surgical intervention.
- Protect and create a cleaner and healthier environment through awareness campaigns; distribution of leaflets, campaigns in schools and communities
Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Call Anytime: +2349060093136